Weiß nicht so genau, wo ich zu Dubai posten soll.

Jedenfalls war ich kürzlich da und hatte ein englischsprachiges Forum als Info-Quelle gnutzt. Dort habe ich dann folgenden Bericht gepostet:


I’d like to thank you for contributing to this forum.
I am a Dubai newbie and prepared myself based on your reports ... and I had lots of fun in Dubai!

It is not easy for someone who has never been in Dubai before, to find the places you mention because (i) sometimes there a more than one hotels with similar names (example: several Sheratons), (ii) if you try to find addresses in google map or on hotel booking sites, you often get different maps indicating completely different places.

For what it is worth, here is a summary of various reports that have been posted here in the past months and that I put together to find my way through a long weekend. That will not be interesting for those who know the places but may be a nice overview for other newbies.

A description of the places I went to and the girls I met is at the end of this report.

1. Hot spots in Bur Dubai:

Jockeys is the bar in the Panorama Hotel which is on Al Mankhool Road (Bur Dubai). Good for day and evenings is except 4-6pm.

Rockafellas in Regal Plaza Hotel. This is diagonally opposite the York. Food is not bad. Entry is free before 9pm (so one can wait and eat). Great place for CIS. The average rates are 1000-1500 LT.
This place definitely has an Indian Pakistani corner... and it's right next to the main entrance door (entrance to the main hall), right where those three stools are against the window facing the band

York in International Hotel, Bur Dubai area (101 Khalid Bin Al Waleed): plenty of girls, a nice mix, i.e. orientals, africans (Ethiopians) and the occasional Russian or Turkish (judging by looks).
There is a pub on the ground floor that is casual and nice for a beer and the prostitutes aren't as bad in there. The club (nightclub) on the second floor is always packed full of people.

Alive bar Stayin They tried for 60AED entry, but let me in when(Imperial Suites): I said "No thanks". Now this place was kicking! Full of African, PRC and Uzbekis.
Ground floor, Al-Rolla street : mixed crowd, live band. africans, orientals and russians and, by looks of it Turkish. Lookwise also mixed with a few cuties in between.

TGIT (Thank God its Thursday) in hotel Astoria is a good place for chineese, uzbak, african and filip. Good for daytime action: starts at noon until 4pm, reopens at 6pm.
Enter the hotel and you'll find TGIT's on the right behind some wooden screens, ground floor.
More orientals, a few middle eastern, very few Ethiopians

Sea View Hotel (Marine Bar), Filipine girls

2. Hot spots in Deira

Premiere: For quality CIS you may try Premiere in Hyatt Regency ( Al Khaleej Road), however beware of bad attitude.
Other report: Very classy, read, good looking and expensive ladies, orientals/ethiopians

Kubu in Radisson Blue (SAS Baniyas Road) is another nice small venue (Dubai Creek).

Sometimes you may find good quality in basement of Sheraton.

Rattlesnake in Metropolitan on SZR

George Hotel, Deira, gold market area: very arab style, at the ground floor is a restaurant. Ladies are there, mostly of middle eastern/north african origin.

Moscow Hotel (Red Square Club), Deira, Al Maktoum Street : it really is a Russian place, lots of Russians. Maybe I picked the wrong day or came too early but not too much going on and the ladies were not really attractive.

3. Own Experience

(i) I went to TGIT during daytime. Found it to be a nice pub. I don’t recommend to have food there (tried but was not good). Met some nice fellows there.

Some girls are really good looking and I had some nice conversations and “interviews”.

Found PRC Lucie (the girl with the glaces). She is a very friendly girl, good conversation. I asked her to spend an afternoon with me to show me the gold souk area in Deira etc. Very nice experience. The “massage thereafter (in my hotel) was unspectacular.

On another afternoon I found Shelly (not 100% sure of her name anymore). Very nice girl with great looks; says she is from South-Africa. She was there with her friend Patricia (also from South-Africa). Shelly is not often in TGIT but rather in the airport area at night. We went to my hotel and she gave me a very nice time. Lucky me ….

(ii) One evening I went to Jockeys. I did not like the place because it is very basic. But some nice girls were around. Then Sharon stepped in. She is very good looking, very petite, somewhat shy but a smart girl if you get her to talk. Says, she is from Ghana. We had an excellent night at my hotel. Many thanks Sharon !

(iii) Spend one night at the Radisson. The Jazz club at the 10th floor is absolutely great (very good performers, stunning view at the creek). Then I went to Kubu. Stylish place with dressed-up girls. Some girls with good looks but I did not find the right one that evening. At the same level there is another bar/pub at the Radisson (forgot the name). Three girls were present, one with a bright smile: Olga from Kazakhstan. She proved to be very nice but her English needs to improve. Nevertheless, we had a good conversation. At the hotel she was very active and nice. Blow job only covered though.

(iv) York pub: I did not see quality girls (just my humble view) in that pub. Very good hawai chicken salad though.

After dinner I went upstairs to the Disco/Club. Wow, what a place. More than 100 girls, many very good looking. I was searching the “one and only” and found Helen (an Ethiopian girl). Absolutely great looks, very friendly, nice to talk to. Although not always easy, we had a spectacular night at my hotel !

Sharon, Shelly, Helen ….. these were great girls and I’d love to see them again. Going out in Dubai is a nice experience. Unfortunately, I will probably not be able to come back.

Good luck for those who can continue.

interessanter Beitrag, Inloww Beifall

(26.05.2010, 20:19)Inloww schrieb: Unfortunately, I will probably not be able to come back.

was hoffentlich nicht daran liegt, wie du Land und Leute erkundet hast Tongue
Ein Einreiseverbot hab ich keines Charly.
Mein Problem liegt bei der "Ausreisegenehmigung" ..... (heißt: benötige ein Alibi).

bin im November in diesem Teil der Welt, der Bericht hier ist ja schon etwas älter.

Wer also mit aktuellen Tips mir bei der Reiseplanung behilflich sein kann, gerne. Danke.


Hallo Mitstecher,

ich war diese Woche auf der Durchreise in Dubai und ich muss sagen, ich war echt überrascht, wieviel Huren da überall rumrennen. Vergangen Woche hatte ich ein Stopover und somit genau 6 Stunden Zeit, die Sache mal auszuchecken. Dubai ist von der Fläche relativ groß und es gibt kein richtiges Zentrum. Deswegen fand ich es ein bisschen schwierig, sich zu orientieren. Habe mir also am Flughafen das erstbeste Taxi geschnappt und zur angeblichen Hauptpartymeile gefahren. In Dubai sind alle Taxis mit Zählern ausgestattet und ich hab für die Entfernung Flughafen - Rigga Road ungefähr 15 Euro bezahlt.

Der Taxi Driver lud mich also vor dem Moscow Hotel ab. Das Moskau Hotel ist, wie der Name schon sagt voll von Russki. Wem das nix ausmacht, ist dort nicht schlecht aufgehoben. Frauenanteil im Night Club zirka 70 %, davon mindestens 90 % Huren, vor allem aus der ehemaligen SU, Aserbaidschan, Usbekistan und so weiter. Wow!! Ich traf dort auf Leila, Alter schwierig einzuschätzen, eventuell um die 30. Sie bot mir eine Stunde Service für 600 Dirham (über 100 Euro) an. Tja, dachte ich mir, das ist schon heftig. Für den Eintritt in den Club alleine zahlst du bereits 20 Euro Eintritt.

Okay, ich stehe nicht so wahnsinnige auf Russinnen und deswegen ging's erstmal weiter mit den Taxi. Vor dem Club wirst du übrigens von massenhaft Thai Ladies umworben. Leider alles eher ältere Gestelle (um die 30). Nix für meinen Geschmack und hoffnungslos überteuert. Also erstmal weiter mit dem Taxi. Ein paar Häuserblocks weiter bin ich dann auf Rat meines Taxi Drivers in einem Hotel abgestiegen, dessen Name ich leider vergessen hab. Das sei wohl der einzige Club weit und breit, wo man kostenlos reinkann. Was mich dort erwartet hat, war ziemlich frustierend. Ein riesiger Schuppen mit ca. 10 Separees, in denen fast ausschließlich Inderinnen auf Tanzflächen zu sehen waren. Alles heiße Girls - keine Frage! Aber niemand hat eines der Mädels angesprochen. Die fetten Araber saßen überall um die Tanzflächen herum und haben die Mädels begafft. In jedem Raum mehr oder weniger das gleiche Schauspiel!

Um 3 Uhr gehen in den Diskos und Nightclubs in Dubai die Lichter aus. Von der Inder-Absteige wieder zurück zur Rigga Road. Dort tobte noch die Party. Diesmal war ich am anderen Ende gelanded. Dort liefen erstaunlich viele chinenische Huren rum, die ihren Service billiger anbieten, als die europäischen! Für 200 Dirham (~40 Euro) kann man dort eine chinesische Lady buchen. Die Mädels haben dort auch Zimmer, wo sie dich hinbringen, wenn du nicht mit ihnen ins Hotel willst. Hübsche Mädels waren allerdings kaum darunter.

So viel zu meinem Erlebnis in Dubai (Erstlingsbericht *grins*)
